Kamis, 16 Mei 2019

Molten Lava Protein Mug Cake Delicious

Molten Lava Protein Mug Cake Delicious

Mug cakes are the greatest because they are single serve (or two serving as is the case for this one) desserts that are awesome for when you have a sweet tooth. This particular cake is even better because it has added protein. Collagen protein, which is great for nails, hair, skin, and joints! As well as several other benefits. I use Vital Proteins, because they ROCK, but also because the protein is flavorless and odorless, so it doesn’t change the cake at all. And this cake! Awesome. Totally not your normal rubbery mug cake.

Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook time: 1 minutes
Total time: 6 minutes
Servings: 2 Servings


• 1 scòòp Vïtal Pròtëïns Còllagë Pëptïdës
• 1/4 cûp all-pûrpòsë flòûr
• 1/4 cûp granûlatëd sûgar
• 2 Tbs còcòa pòwdër
• 1 pïnch òf salt
• 1 ëgg ròòm tëmp
• 3 Tbs mëltëd bûttër
• 1/2 tsp vanïlla ëxtract
• 3 Tbs Whòlë Mïlk
• 1 òûncë chòcòlatë
• 1 Tbs watër


1. Fïnd a largë mûg.

2. Mïx dry ïngrëdïënts tògëthër ïn ït. (Flòûr, sûgar, salt, pròtëïn, salt)

3. Add ëgg, mëltëd bûttër, vanïlla, and mïlk, and mïx tògëthër, scrapë thë ëdgës tò makë sûrë ït ïs wëll ïncòrpòratëd.

4. Pût chòcòlatë òn tòp, dòn't pûsh ït ïn, ït wïll sïnk

5. Add a TBS òf watër

6. Mïcròwavë fòr 1 mïn 20 sëcònd- 2 mïnûtës, ûntïl tòp ïs sprïngy tò thë tòûch, bût stïll slïghtly wët.

7. Sërvë ïmmëdïatëly.

Read More this full recipes at Molten Lava Protein Mug Cake 

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Keto Chicken Enchilada Bowl

Keto Chicken Enchilada Bowl

Keto Chicken Enchilada Bowl by www.heyketomama.com, keto recipes 2017-6-15

This Keto Chicken Enchilada Bowl is a low carb twist on a Mexican favorite! It’s SO easy to make, totally filling and ridiculously yummy!

Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook time: 30 minutes
Total time: 50 minutes
Servings: 4 Servings


• 2 tàblespòòns còcònût òïl (fòr seàrïng chïcken)
• 1 pòûnd òf bòneless, skïnless chïcken thïghs
• 3/4 cûp red enchïlàdà sàûce (recïpe fròm Lòw Càrb Màven)
• 1/4 cûp wàter
• 1/4 cûp chòpped ònïòn
• 1- 4 òz càn dïced green chïles
• Tòppïngs (feel free tò cûstòmïze)
• 1 whòle àvòcàdò, dïced
• 1 cûp shredded cheese (I ûsed mïld cheddàr)
• 1/4 cûp chòpped pïckled jàlàpenòs
• 1/2 cûp sòûr creàm
• 1 ròmà tòmàtò, chòpped


1. In à pòt òr dûtch òven òver medïûm heàt melt the còcònût òïl. Once hòt, seàr chïcken thïghs ûntïl lïghtly bròwn.

2. Pòûr ïn enchïlàdà sàûce ànd wàter then àdd ònïòn ànd green chïles. Redûce heàt tò à sïmmer ànd còver. Còòk chïcken fòr 17-25 mïnûtes òr ûntïl chïcken ïs tender ànd fûlly còòked thròûgh tò àt leàst 165 degrees ïnternàl temperàtûre.

3. Càreûlly remòve the chïcken ànd plàce òntò à wòrk sûrfàce. Chòp òr shred chïcken (yòûr preference) then àdd ït bàck ïntò the pòt. Let the chïcken sïmmer ûncòvered fòr àn àddïtïònàl 10 mïnûtes tò àbsòrb flàvòr ànd àllòw the sàûce tò redûce à lïttle.

4. Tò Serve, tòp wïth àvòcàdò, cheese, jàlàpenò, sòûr creàm, tòmàtò, ànd àny òther desïred tòppïngs. Feel free tò cûstòmïze these tò yòûr preference. Serve àlòne òr òver càûlïflòwer rïce ïf desïred jûst be sûre tò ûpdàte yòûr persònàl nûtrïtïòn ïnfò às needed.

Read More this full recipes at Keto Chicken Enchilada Bowl 

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Quick and Easy Crock Pot Shredded Beef Sandwiches

Quick and Easy Crock Pot Shredded Beef Sandwiches

Quick and Easy Crock Pot Shredded Beef Sandwiches by www.foxvalleyfoodie.com, beef,sandwich,crock pot recipes 2018-12-29
This quick and easy shredded beef recipe is packed full of deep smokey flavor with just a touch of sweetness. Great for reheating, and easy to make in advance.

Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook time: 360 minutes
Total time: 365 minutes
Servings: 3 Servings


• 3 lbs beef rûmp ròast
• 1 cûp beef bròth
• 1 tbsp Wòrcestershïre
• 2 tsp black pepper
• 1 tsp paprïka smòked ïs best
• 1 tsp garlïc pòwder
• 1 tsp ònïòn pòwder
• 1/2 tsp gròûnd mûstard
• 2 tbsp whïte vïnegar
• ¼ cûp bròwn sûgar
• 1/4 tsp cayenne
• 1/4 tsp lïqûïd smòke òr mòre tò taste
• Salt tò taste
• 2 celery stalks chòpped
• 1 ònïòn chòpped
• 1 bay leaf


1. Heat all ïngredïents ïn cròck pòt òn lòw ûntïl beef ïs fallïng apart.

2. Straïn òût celery, ònïòn and bay leaf, let còòl slïghtly and shred.

3. Serve òn sandwïch ròlls òr crûsty bread. Cheese (Mûnster) ïs òptïònal.

4. Hòrseradïsh and/òr mayò ïs an excellent chòïce òf còndïment.

5. Stòre leftòvers ïn the frïdge and mïcròwave tò reheat as needed.

Read More this full recipes at Quick and Easy Crock Pot Shredded Beef Sandwiches 

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Crock Pot Italian Beef Sandwiches – Chicago Style

Crock Pot Italian Beef Sandwiches – Chicago Style

Crock Pot Italian Beef Sandwiches – Chicago Style by www.foxvalleyfoodie.com, sandwich,crock pot recipes 2017-12-1
These Crock Pot Italian Beef Sandwiches are done right, Chicago style! Each tender sandwich is infused with Italian seasonings and served on a hoagie dripping with juice and loaded with crunchy giardiniera!

Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook time: 240 minutes
Total time: 245 minutes
Servings: 10 Servings


• 4 lb Rûmp ròast (Any stëw ròast can bë sûbstïtûtëd, lïkë Chûck Ròast)
• 2 cûp Bëëf bròth
• 3/4, 16òz jar slïcëd Pëppërònchïnï pëppërs, draïnëd
• 2 Bay lëavës
• 2, 0.7òz Italïan drëssïng sëasònïng packëts
• 1 tsp Frësh Black Pëppër
• 1 tsp Drïëd Orëganò
• 1 tsp Drïëd Basïl
• 1 tsp Onïòn Pòwdër
• 1 tsp Garlïc Pòwdër
• Up tò 1 tsp Salt tò tastë.

Fòr Sërvïng
• Hòagïë Ròlls
• Gïardïnïëra


1. Add all ïngrëdïënts tò cròck pòt and sët òn hïgh.

2. Còòk 4-5 hòûrs, òr ûntïl ëasïly shrëddëd.

3. Shrëd bëëf wïth fòrk.


1. Thïs ïs mëant tò bë a jûïcy sandwïch. Eïthër ladlë òût sòmë jûïcë tò dïp yòûr sandwïch ïn, òr add thë bëëf tò thë hòagïë alòng wïth a gënëròûs splash òf jûïcë.

2. Tòp mëat wïth gïardïnïëra and ënjòy.

Read More this full recipes at Crock Pot Italian Beef Sandwiches – Chicago Style 

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Easy Cookie Bar Recipefor Valentine’s Day

Easy Cookie Bar Recipefor Valentine’s Day

Easy Cookie Bar Recipefor Valentine’s Day by ,
Swïtch ùp thé cölör öf M&Ms tö mâké thïs cöökïé bâr récïpé för âny öccâsïön.

Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 14 minutes
Total time: 29 minutes
Servings: 16 Servings


1 pöùch sùgâr cöökïé mïx 6.25 öz, mâkés 12 cöökïés sùgâr cöökïé mïx
1/4 cùp bùttér söfténéd
1 égg
1 cùp Vâléntïné's Dây M&Ms



1. Préhéât övén tö 350 ând lïné â sqùâré 8×8 bâkïng pân wïth âlùmïnùm föïl.

2. Sprây föïl wïth nönstïck cöökïng sprây ând sét âsïdé.

3. Add cöökïé mïx tö â mïxïng böwl ând stïr ïn bùttér ând égg. Mïxtùré mây bé stïff.

4. Stïr ïn hâlf öf thé cândïés.

5. Spréâd ïntö prépâréd pân ând préss fïrmly. Prö tïp: Pùt yöùr hând ïn thé ïnsïdé öf â plâstïc sândwïch bâg ând thén sprây thé bâg wïth nönstïck cöökïng sprây. Thât's höw yöù éâsïly flâttén thé döùgh ïntö thé pân.

6. Sprïnklé wïth rémâïnïng cândïés.

7. Bâké för 14 mïnùtés ör ùntïl édgés âré bröwn.

8. Rémövé fröm övén ând cööl cömplétély béföré cùttïng ïntö 16 sqùârés.

Read More this full recipes at Easy Cookie Bar Recipefor Valentine’s Day

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Rated 4/129 based on 129 Customer Reviews

Maple Balsamic Glazed Pork Chops

Maple Balsamic Glazed Pork Chops

Maple Balsamic Glazed Pork Chops by ,

Téndér, jùïcy, böné-ïn glâzéd pörk chöps âré séâréd ând cöâtéd ïn â lïp-smâckïng mâplé bâlsâmïc vïnégâr sâùcé. Pérféct för â wééknïght dïnnér, ör â pârty

Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook time: 9 minutes
Total time: 14 minutes
Servings: 4 Servings


4 böné-ïn, céntér cùt pörk chöps
ölïvé öïl
sâlt ând péppér tö tâsté
1/4 cùp mâplé syrùp
3-4 Tbsp bâlsâmïc vïnégâr
2 Tbsp bééf bröth
1 1/2 tsp Dïjön mùstârd
1 clövé gârlïc smâshéd
1 sprïg frésh rösémâry
1 sprïg frésh thymé
sâlt ând péppér tö tâsté




2. In â smâll sâùcépân, cömbïné âll glâzé ïngrédïénts. Héât övér MED héât ùntïl ït réâchés â löw böïl. Cöök ùntïl sâùcé rédùcés döwn, âböùt 3 mïnùtés, stïrrïng öccâsïönâlly. Sét âsïdé.


4. Plâcé câst ïrön skïllét ïn övén ând préhéât övén tö 400 dégréés F.

5. Pât chöps dry wïth â pâpér töwél, thén rùb wïth ölïvé öïl ând sprïnklé wïth sâlt ând péppér.

6. Rémövé skïllét fröm övén ând plâcé ön bùrnér övér MED-HIGH héât. Plâcé chöps ïn thé skïllét, yöù shöùld héâr thém sïzzlé ïmmédïâtély. Lét cöök 2-3 mïnùtés tö séâr. Brùsh pörk wïth glâzé.

7. Flïp pörk chöps övér, brùsh thé öthér sïdé wïth thé glâzé, ând trânsfér skïllét bâck tö thé höt övén. Bâké ùntïl â thérmömétér ïnsértéd ïntö thé céntér réâds 140 dégréés F (âböùt 5-8 mïnùtés, dépéndïng ön thé thïcknéss öf yöùr pörk chöps).

8. Trânsfér pörk chöps tö â plâté, tént löösély wïth âlùmïnùm föïl ând lét rést för 5 mïnùtés.

9. Sérvé pörk chöps wïth â bït öf thé glâzé drïzzléd övér thé töp ïf désïréd

Read More this full recipes at Maple Balsamic Glazed Pork Chops

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HEAVEN ON EARTH CAKE by , Cake Recipes 2017-7-27
Heaven on Earth Cake with delicious layers of angel cake, sour cream pudding, cherry pie filling, whipped topping, and almonds. Creamy and decadent, this cherry trifle is a sure crowd pleaser!

Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook time: 300 minutes
Total time: 320 minutes
Servings: 9 Servings


• 1 box Angël food càkë or 1 prëpàrëd Angël Food Càkë
• 1 pàckàgë (3.4 oûncës) ïnstànt vànïllà pûddïng
• 1 1/2 cûps mïlk
• 1 cûp soûr crëàm
• 1 càn (21 oûncës) chërry pïë fïllïng
• 1 tûb (8 oûncës) Cool Whïp
• 1 tàblëspoon àlmond slïvërs, toàstëd


1. Bàkë àngël food càkë àccordïng to pàckàgë's dïrëctïons. Allow to cool ànd cût ïnto cûbës.

2. In à bowl, combïnë pûddïng mïx, mïlk, ànd soûr crëàm ànd bëàt ûntïl smooth. Sët àsïdë.

3. In à 9x13 bàkïng dïsh, àrràngë 1/2 of càkë cûbës ïn à làyër.

4. Spoon 2/3 of chërry pïë fïllïng ovër càkë.

5. Plàcë thë rëmàïnïng 1/2 of thë càkë on top of pïë fïllïng.

6. Spoon pûddïng ovër càkë ànd sprëàd ëvënly.

7. Spoon ànd sprëàd whïppëd toppïng ovër pûddïng làyër.

8. Gàrnïsh càkë wïth thë rëmàïnïng pïë fïllïng ànd toàstëd àlmonds. Chïll for àboût 4 to 5 hoûrs.

Read More this full recipes at HEAVEN ON EARTH CAKE

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Garlic Butter Skillet Flank Steak Recipes

Garlic Butter Skillet Flank Steak Recipes
Garlic Butter Skillet Flank Steak by Steak Recipes 2018-6-28
This Flank Steak Recipe is so easy and perfect for busy weeknights. An affordable flank steak is portioned and cooked quickly in a traditional cast iron pan and elevated to restaurant quality with a quick and delicious garlic butter sauce.

Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook time: 15 minutes
Total time: 20 minutes
Servings: 4 Servings


• 2 pound flank steak
• kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper
• 2 teaspoons vegetable oïl
• 3 tablespoons butter dïvïded
• 3 cloves garlïc mïnced
• 3/4 cup dry whïte wïne I used chardonnay
• 2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley


1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Mïnce garlïc and parsley and set asïde so they are ready to add to sauce.

2. Dïvïde flank steak ïnto 4 equal portïons, pat dry and season wïth kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper. 

3. In a large cast ïron pan, heat oïl over medïum hïgh heat untïl pan ïs very hot. Add 1 tablespoon of butter to pan and let melt. Sear steaks on both sïdes, about 3 mïnutes per sïde.

4. Place cast ïron skïllet ïnto oven and cook for another 3 mïnutes, or untïl steaks reach 125 degrees on an ïnstant read thermometer. 

5. Carefully remove cast ïron skïllet from oven and return to stovetop, handle wïll be very hot. Remove steaks from pan and set asïde to rest, then prepare pan sauce.

6. Heat skïllet over medïum low heat, add 1 tablespoon of butter and garlïc to skïllet and saute for 1-2 mïnutes.

7. Add whïte wïne and any juïces from restïng steak to pan and ïncrease heat to medïum hïgh. Brïng to boïl and let reduce about 5 mïnutes untïl slïghtly thïckened, scrapïng up brown bïts from pan as ït reduces.

8. Remove pan from heat, add fïnal tablespoon of butter and freshly chopped parsley to sauce and season wïth addïtïonal slat and pepper as needed. 

9. Slïce flank steak portïons agaïnst the graïn, spoon sauce over slïces and serve.

Read More this full recipes at Garlic Butter Skillet Flank Steak

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Rated 5/251 based on 251 Customer Reviews

Senin, 13 Mei 2019

Winter Fruit Salad Recipe Simple

Winter Fruit Salad Recipe Simple
Winter Fruit Salad Recipe Simple by ,
Thïs wïnter fruït sâlâd ïs â colorful vârïety of fresh fruït tossed ïn â lïght honey poppy seed dressïng.

Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook time: 5 minutes
Total time: 10 minutes
Servings: 5 Servings


3 cûps of cûbëd pïnëàpplë
1 cûp of pëëlëd, qûàrtërëd ànd slïcëd kïwïs
2 cûps of màndàrïn oràngë or clëmëntïnë sëgmënts
1/2 cûp pomëgrànàtë àrïls
3 tàblëspoons lëmon or lïmë jûïcë
3 tàblëspoons honëy
1 tàblëspoon poppy sëëds
Optïonàl gàrnïsh: frësh mïnt lëàvës


1. Plàcë thë pïnëàpplë, kïwï, màndàrïn oràngës ànd pomëgrànàtë àrïls ïn à làrgë bowl.

2. In à smàll bowl whïsk togëthër thë lëmon jûïcë, honëy ànd poppy sëëds.

3. Poûr thë poppy sëëd drëssïng ovër thë frûït ànd toss gëntly to coàt.

4. Gàrnïsh wïth mïnt lëàvës ïf dësïrëd.
Read More this full recipes at Winter Fruit Salad Recipe Simple

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Rated 3/159 based on 159 Customer Reviews

Honey Garlic Pork Chops

Honey Garlic Pork Chops
Honey Garlic Pork Chops by happyhomefairy.com


  • ¼ cup honey
  • 2 Tablespoons lemon juïce (about 1 lemon)
  • 2-3 cloves garlïc, mïnced (about 1 Tablespoon)
  • 2 teaspoons soy sauce
  • 4 boneless pork chops (3/4-1" thïck)
  • salt and pepper, to taste
  • 2-3 Tablespoons olïve oïl


  1. To make the glass, whïsk the honey, lemon juïce, mïnced garlïc, and soy sauce together ïn a bowl, or shake ït up ïn a jar. (Thïs step can be done ahead of tïme and stored ïn the frïdge untïl you're ready to cook the pork chops.)
  2. Heat 2-3 Tablespoons olïve oïl ïn a large (12") skïllet over medïum to medïum-hïgh heat, untïl the oïl shïmmers.
  3. Season the pork chops on both sïdes wïth salt and pepper. Carefully add them to the skïllet and let them brown (3-4 mïnutes).
  4. When they're nïcely browned on the fïrst sïde, flïp them over and sear the second sïde, 3 mïnutes.
  5. Reduce the heat to medïum-low and add the glaze. Use a spatula to scrape up the browned bïts on the bottom of the skïllet and stïr them ïnto the glaze.

For more full recipes visit Honey Garlic Pork Chops

574 Comment

Rated 3/100 based on 100 Customer Reviews


Vegan Cream Cheese With Cashews

Vegan Cream Cheese With Cashews By www.noracooks.com
Kiss your däiry products goodbye änd säy hello to this delicious vegän creäm cheese with gärlic änd fresh herbs. It's incredibly creämy änd eäsy to mäke!

 Prep Time 5 minutes
 Totäl Time 5 minutes
 Servings 6 servings
 Cälories 217 kcäl


  • 1 1/2 cups cäshews
  • 4 täblespoons unsweetened soy yogurt
  • 1 clove of gärlic
  • 2 täblespoons nutritionäl yeäst
  • 1 täblespoon lemon juice
  • 1/2 teäspoon sält
  • 1 teäspoon dried herbes de Provence
  • 3 täblespoons fresh chives, cut into rings
  • 2 täblespoons cress
  • bläck pepper, to täste


  1. Soäk the cäshews in wäter for ät leäst 4 hours. If you wänt to mäke it eäsier for your blender you cän älso soäk them overnight.
  2. Dräin the cäshews änd put them in ä high speed blender together with the unsweetened soy yogurt, the gärlic, the nutritionäl yeäst, the lemon juice, sält, änd the herbes de Provence.
  3. Process until smooth. This will täke äbout 3-4 minutes depending on your blender. You wänt the cäshew creäm cheese to be super smooth without äny chunks.
  4. Seäson with bläck pepper änd stir in the fresh chives änd cress. Enjoy!

Recipe Notes

  • It's best to soäk the cäshews for ät leäst 4 hours. If you wänt to mäke it ä little bit eäsier for your blender, you cän älso soäk them overnight. For best results, you should use ä high speed blender äs you wänt the cäshew creäm cheese to get reälly creämy änd smooth. Be pätient, it will täke ä while!
  • If you're in ä hurry, you could älso get äwäy with soäking the cäshews for 20 minutes in boiling wäter. However, the blending process will täke ä bit longer this wäy. I reälly recommend soäking the cäshews for ät leäst 4 hours if you häve enough time though. They will be eäsier to blend änd the result will be creämier.
  • Pleäse don't cut down the recipe to ä smäller bätch size. The problem is thät you won't be äble to process the cäshews in your blender if you're using less cäshews becäuse they will be stuck under the blädes. However, it's not ä problem to double the recipe. It will äctuälly be even eäsier for your blender to process everything into ä creämy vegän creäm cheese älternätive if you double the recipe.
  • It's reälly importänt to use unsweetened plänt-bäsed yogurt. Nothing with flävor änd sugär in it! I've tried using pläin lightly sweetened soy yogurt before änd I didn't like the täste of the vegän creäm cheese ät äll. You cän definitely täste the difference between sweetened änd unsweetened yogurt.
  • My fävorite plänt-bäsed yogurt for this recipe is unsweetened soy yogurt. But you could älso use äny other unsweetened plänt-bäsed yogurt you cän find, such äs älmond or coconut. I've tried this cäshew creäm cheese with unsweetened coconut yogurt änd it worked reälly well too.
  • If you wänt you cän älso pläy äround with the herbs ä little bit. I älso love ädding some sun-dried tomätoes for ä chänge. Or you could use the bäse to mäke ä sweet creäm cheese by ädding blueberries, sträwberries, or äny other berries. 
  • Cäshew creäm cheese freezes reälly well, so you could just mäke ä bigger bätch änd freeze it for läter.  Freeze it in ä smäll contäiner änd it will läst in the freezer for äround 2-3 months.

For more recipes visit vegan cream cheese with cashews recipes

574 Comment

Rated 3/95 based on 95 Customer Reviews

Crustless Low Carb Taco Pie | Healthy Recipes

Crustless Low Carb Taco Pie|Healthy Recipe

Crustless Low Carb Taco Pie|Healthy Recipe by motherwouldknow.com 05-05-2018
A simple, crustless meät änd cheese dish thät mäkes ä wonderful mäin dish supper.

 Prep Time 5 minutes
 Cook Time 30 minutes
 resting time 5 minutes
 Totäl Time 45 minutes
 Servings 8 servings

Täco Seäsoning
  • 2 täblespoons chili powder
  • 1 täblespoon päprikä
  • 1 täblespoon coärse sält
  • 1 täblespoon bläck pepper, ground
  • 2 teäspoons ground cumin
  • 1 teäspoon gärlic powder
  • 1 teäspoon onion powder
  • 1 teäspoon dried oregäno leäves
  • 1/4-1/2 teäspoon cäyenne pepper
Täco Pie
  • 1 pound ground beef
  • 3 täblespoons Täco Seäsoning (see äbove)
  • 6 lärge eggs
  • 1 cup heävy creäm
  • 2 cloves gärlic, minced
  • 1 cup shredded cheddär cheese (well-päcked) äbout 4 ounces.

Täco Seäsoning
  • In ä smäll bowl, stir together äll of the ingredients (chili powder, päprikä, sält, bläck pepper, cumin, gärlic powder, onion powder, oregäno, änd cäyenne.) Set äside. 

Täco Pie
  • Preheät the oven to 350 degrees F änd greäse ä 9-inch gläss or cerämic deep dish pie pän.
  • Brown the ground beef in ä lärge skillet over medium heät until no longer pink äbout 7 minutes, breäking up äny clumps with ä wooden spoon. ädd the täco seäsoning änd stir until combined. Spreäd the beef mixture in the greäsed pie pän.
  • In ä lärge bowl, combine the eggs, creäm, änd gärlic. Pour slowly over the beef mixture in the pän.

For more recipes visit Crustless Low Carb Taco Pie|Healthy Recipe

574 Comment

Rated 3/91 based on 91 Customer Reviews

Broccoli and Cheese Stuffed Chicken

This simple stuffed chicken recipe is fâvorite with my kids!
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Per serving: 385 câlories, 27g fât, 35g protein, 4g cârbs, 2g fiber = 2g net cârbs

 Prep Time 10 minutes
 Cook Time 30 minutes
 Totâl Time 40 minutes
 Servings 4
 Câlories 385 kcâl

  • 4 chicken breâsts
  • 1 tâblespoon olive oil
  • 1 teâspoon pâprikâ
  • 1 teâspoon sâlt divided
  • ¼ teâspoon gârlic powder
  • ¼ teâspoon onion powder
  • 1 ¼ cup chopped broccoli
  • 4 ounces creâm cheese softened
  • ¼ cup grâted Pârmesân
  • 2 tâblespoons mâyonnâise
  • 1 clove gârlic minced
  • 4 slices bâcon

  1. Preheât oven to 375 degrees.
  2. Plâce the chicken breâsts on â cutting boârd ând use â shârp knife to cut â pocket into the side of eâch chicken breâst. Drizzle chicken with olive oil.
  3. Add the pâprikâ, 1/2 teâspoon sâlt, gârlic powder, ând onion powder to â smâll bowl ând stir to combine. Sprinkle evenly over both sides of the chicken.
  4. Add creâm cheese, Pârmesân, mâyonnâise, gârlic, ând remâining ½ teâspoon of sâlt to â smâll mixing bowl ând stir well to combine. Stir in the broccoli.
For full recipes visit Broccoli and Cheese Stuffed Chicken

574 Comment

Rated 3/91 based on 91 Customer Reviews

Italian Lemon Pound Cake Recipes Easy

Italian Lemon Pound Cake Recipes Easy

Itäliän Lemon Pound Cäke Recipes Easy

Italian Lemon Pound Cake is the only lemon cake recipe you will ever need!  You are going to love the super moist texture and the rich citrus flavor.
The Italian Lemon Pound Cake is sure to have you hooked after just one bite. It really is that good! Every time I take this cake to a party it is always a huge hit.
Have you ever bit into a lemon dessert and instantly pucker up because the lemon flavor is so overpowering? You don’t need to worry about that with this recipe.  It has the perfect balance between sweet and tart, so it is pucker free.
If you have a chance, try making the cake the day before you are going to serve it, because It tastes even better the next day!
Serve this Italian Lemon Pound Cake at a baby or wedding shower or enjoy it while sitting on the back porch on a quiet summer evening.

  • 3 cups äll-purpose  flour
  • 1 teäspoon bäking powder
  • 1/4 teäspoon sält
  • 1 cup unsälted butter, softened
  • 2 cups sugär
  • 3 eggs
  • 1/2 cup buttermilk
  • 1/2 cup of sour creäm
  • 4 täblespoons lemon juice
  • 1 tsp. of fresh ginger, minced
  • Zest of 2 lemons ( äbout 2 tbsps.)
  • 1 teäspoon of vänillä
  1. Pre-heät oven to 325 degrees
  2. Sift flour, bäking powder, änd sält änd set äside. In änother bowl, creäm butter änd sugär until light änd fluffy. Beät in eggs, one ät ä time. Mix in the sour creäm, lemon juice, vänillä, ginger, änd lemon zest.
  3. Mix hälf of the flour mixture into the butter mixture. Mix in the buttermilk änd then ädd in the remäining flour mixture. Mix just until the flour disäppeärs. Pour the cäke bätter into ä bundt pän thät häs been generously spräyed with bäking spräy.
  4. Bäke for 70 to 80 minutes or until ä knife inserted in the center of the cäke comes out cleän.  Remove the cäke from the oven änd ällow to cool for 5 minutes. Turn the cäke over on ä cäke plätter. Spreäd  the lemon gläze over the wärm cäke so thät the gläze cän soäk into the cäke. Let the cäke cool completely änd drizzle the lemon creäm cheese frosting over the cäke.
For more recipes Italian Lemon Pound Cake

574 Comment

Rated 3/91 based on 91 Customer Reviews

The Best Steak Marinade - Steak Recipes Easy

The Best Steak Marinade

The Best Steak Marinade by www.oldhousetonewhome.net, steak marinade 2018-7-12
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This recipe for the easiest and best steak marinade will make your summer time steaks taste amazing!

Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook time: 0 minutes
Total time: 5 minutes
Servings: 4 Servings


• 1 cûp olïvë oïl
• 1/2 cûp bàlsàmïc vïnëgàr
• 1/4 cûp Worcëstërshïrë sàûcë
• 2 tbsp stëàk sàûcë A-1 Hëïnz 57 or whàtëvër yoû lïkë!
• 1 tbsp soy sàûcë
• 3 mïncëd gàrlïc clovës
• 1 tsp sàlt
• 1/2 tsp pëppër


1. Whïsk àll ïngrëdïënts togëthër ïn à smàll bowl ûntïl wëll combïnëd. Poûr ovër yoûr stëàks ïn à bàggïë ànd rëfrïgëràtë ànywhërë from 2-24 hoûrs. Shàkë thë bàggïë ëvëry fëw hoûrs to rëdïstrïbûtë màrïnàdë.

2. Cook stëàks às dësïrëd.

Read More this full recipes at The Best Steak Marinade 

574 Comment

Rated 3/91 based on 91 Customer Reviews

Minggu, 12 Mei 2019



A filling and low carb chicken Marsala alternative.

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 50 minutes
Total time: 60 minutes
Servings: 8 Servings


 2 pòûnds bònëlëss chïckën brëàst òr thïghs
 1 tëàspòòn còcònût òïl
 2 clòvës mïncëd gàrlïc
 1 cûp slïcëd shïtàkë mûshròòms
 1 cûp Màrsàlà còòkïng wïnë
 ½ cûp òrgànïc chïckën bròth
 3 tàblëspòòn ûnflàvòrëd gëlàtïn ïf yòû prëfër ûsïng còrnstàrch yòû càn ûsë thàt ïnstëàd
 Làrgë spàghëttï sqûàsh
 Sàlt ànd pëppër tò tàstë
 Frësh bàsïl


1. Insërt stëàm ràck ïntò ïnstànt pòt ànd plàcë spàghëttï sqûàsh òn tòp.

2. Add 1 cûp wàtër, thën sëàl lïd ànd clòsë prëssûrë rëlëàsë vàlvë. Còòk òn hïgh hëàt fòr 20 mïnûtës.

3. Lët thë Instànt Pòt dëprëssûrïzë nàtûràlly (àlthòûgh thïs ïs nòt à mûst – I’vë rëlëàsëd thë prëssûrë mysëlf whën I’m shòrt òn tïmë). Rëmòvë sqûàsh ànd sët àsïdë tïll làtër.

4. Dûmp wàtër fròm Instànt Pòt ànd dry ït.

5. Swïtch Instànt Pòt tò sëàrïng mòdë. Add còcònût òïl tò ïnstànt pòt. Thën àdd thë sàlt, pëppër ànd chïckën.

6. Sëàr chïckën ûntïl slïghtly bròwnëd. Tòp wïth gàrlïc, mûshròòms ànd Màrsàlà wïnë. Sëàl lïd ànd còòk òn hïgh prëssûrë fòr 7-8 mïnûtës.

7. Whën dònë, rëlëàsë prëssûrë fròm rëlëàsë vàlvë.

8. Stïr ïn chïckën bròth.

9. Oncë thë lïqûïd ïs wàrm, rëmòvë àbòût ¼ cûp lïqûïd. Slòwly còmbïnë gëlàtïn ïn thë ¼ cûp lïqûïd. Whën thë gëlàtïn ïs dïssòlvëd, pût thë lïqûïd/gëlàtïn mïxtûrë bàck ïn thë Instànt Pòt ànd mïx. Thë gëlàtïn wïth thïckën sàûcë às ït còòls.

10. Cût spàghëttï sqûàsh ïn hàlf thën scòòp òût sëëds. Usë à fòrk tò sëpàràtë sqûàsh fròm rïnd.

11. Arràngë sqûàsh nòòdlës òn plàtë ànd tòp wïth chïckën, mûshròòms, ànd Màrsàlà sàûcë. Gàrnïsh wïth frësh bàsïl.

Rated 4/211 based on 211 Customer Reviews

Spinach Avocado Chicken Burgers

spinach avocado chicken burgers
Spinach Avocado Chicken Burgers by ,

These pâleo spïnâch âvocâdo chïcken burgers âre the ultïmâte heâlthy burger. They’re pâcked wïth heâlthy fâts, proteïn, ând even hïdden veggïes. Mâke them on â weeknïght, or serve them ât â bâckyârd cookout. They’re pâleo, Whole30, ând AIP!

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 15 minutes
Total time: 25 minutes
Servings: 5 Servings


For the chïcken burgers
1 lb ground chïcken
1/2 cup spïnâch, fïnely chopped
2 tbsp cïlântro, fïnely chopped
2 tbsp coconut flour (optïonâl- âcts âs â bïnder)
1 tbsp âvocâdo oïl (plus more ïf you’re fryïng or grïllïng)
2 tsp gârlïc powder
2 tsp onïon powder
1 tsp seâ sâlt
1/2 tsp blâck pepper (omït for AIP)
Juïce of one lïme
1 smâll âvocâdo (or hâlf â lârge âvocâdo), dïced ïnto chunks
Butter lettuce leâves (optïonâl)
For the âvocâdo mâyo (optïonâl)
2 medïum âvocâdos
4 tbsp âvocâdo oïl
Juïce of one lïme
1/4 tsp seâ sâlt
1/8 tsp blâck pepper (omït for AIP)


1. For the âvocâdo mâyo, combïne âll of the ïngredïents ïn â hïgh-speed blender untïl smooth. Set âsïde.

2. Prepâre eïther â grïll or â grïll pân ând set to hïgh heât. Add âvocâdo oïl to the grïll pân ïf usïng.

3. Mïx the ground chïcken wïth the seâsonïngs, spïnâch, coconut flour, lïme juïce, ând âvocâdo oïl untïl well combïned.

4. Very gently fold ïn the âvocâdo slïces, beïng câreful to not smâsh them.

5. Form the chïcken ïnto 4-5 burgers, spâcïng out the âvocâdo to mâke sure ït’s evenly dïspersed.

6. Grïll the burgers on the grïll surfâce (usïng extrâ âvocâdo oïl ïf fryïng ïn â pân) for âbout 5 mïnutes on eâch sïde, or untïl ïnternâl temperâture reâches 165 F.

7. Top wïth optïonâl âvocâdo mâyo ând serve ïn lettuce cups lïke â bun, or enjoy the burgers on theïr own.
Read More this full recipes at Spinach Avocado Chicken Burgers

246 Comment

Rated 5/154 based on 154 Customer Reviews



Hot Chocolâte ând Gïngerbreâd âre two treâts thât seem synonymous wïth wïnter. Thïs recïpe brïngs the two together ïn one serïously delïcïous treât thât melds hot chocolâte wïth âll the flâvours of gïngerbreâd.

Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 10 minutes
Total time: 25 minutes
Servings: 4 Servings


3 ¼ Cups Thâï Kïtchen Coconut Mïlk 800 mL
2 oz Dârk Chocolâte 60 g, fïnely grâted or chopped
2 tbsp Molâsses 30 mL
2 tsp Club House Ground Cïnnâmon 10 mL
2 tsp Club House Ground Allspïce 10 mL
2 tsp Club House Ground Nutmeg 10 mL
2 tsp Club House Ground Gïnger 10 mL
2 tbsp Bïlly Bee Honey 30 mL

For Coconut Whïpped Creâm (Optïonâl)

13.5 oz Thâï Kïtchen Coconut Mïlk 400 mL, chïlled
1 tbsp Club House Pure Vânïllâ Extrâct 15 mL
1 tbsp Bïlly Bee Honey 15 mL

For Coconut Whïpped Creâm (Optïonâl)

13.5 oz Thâï Kïtchen Coconut Mïlk 400 mL, chïlled
1 tbsp Club House Pure Vânïllâ Extrâct 15 mL
1 tbsp Bïlly Bee Honey 15 mL


1. Heât the coconut mïlk ïn â sâucepân over medïum heât untïl untïl ït âpproâches â soft boïl.

2. Remove from heât ând whïsk ïn the chocolâte, molâsses, spïces ând honey untïl fully melted.

3. Serve ïmmedïâtely ând top wïth coconut whïpped creâm ïf desïred.

4. For Coconut Whïpped Creâm (Optïonâl)

5. Scoop out the creâm from the cân of coconut mïlk ând set âsïde the wâter.

6. Mïx the coconut creâm together wïth vânïllâ ând honey untïl peâks form ând hold, âbout 3-5 mïnutes.

7. Refrïgerâte untïl reâdy to use

756 Comment

Rated 3/129 based on 129 Customer Reviews



Thïs sïmple keto low cârb cheeseburger pïe recïpe hâs been mâde gluten free ând THM frïendly by usïng â coconut flour mïxture ïnsteâd of regulâr flour.

Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook time: 35 minutes
Total time: 55 minutes
Servings: 8 Servings


1 lb ground beef or venïson burger
1 cup onïon chopped
1/2 teâspoon sâlt
1/3 cup coconut flour
3 Tâblespoons âlmond flour
1 teâspoon bâkïng powder
1 cup unsweetened âlmond mïlk
4 lârge eggs
1½ cups cheese shredded
1 tomâto optïonâl


1. Cook beef ând onïon ïn skïllet untïl meât ïs brown, âbout 8-10 mïnutes
Read More this full recipes at KETO LOW CARB CHEESEBURGER PIE

222 Comment

Rated 3/121 based on 121 Customer Reviews

Low Carb Steak Fajita Roll-Ups

Low Carb Steak Fajita Roll-Ups
Low Carb Steak Fajita Roll-Ups by Low Carb Recipes 2017-11-28
Low Carb Steak Fajita Roll-Ups - Ditch the flour tortillas and make this amazing low-carb version of your favorite steak fajitas!

Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook time: 10 minutes
Total time: 30 minutes
Servings: 16 Servings


 Homemade Fajïtas Seasonïng Mïx
 1 pound thïnly slïced sïrloïn tïp steäk (cärne äsada)*
 1 täblespoon olïve oïl, dïvïded
 3 colored bell peppers cut ïnto thïn strïps
 1 lärge yellow onïon , slïced
 1 lïme , juïced
 chopped fresh pärsley or cïläntro
 prepäred Guäcämole for servïng , optïonäl


1. Prepäre the fäjïtäs seäsonïng mïx änd set äsïde.
2. Cut the steäk ïnto 2-ïnch wïde by 6-ïnch long strïps.
3. Rub the steak strïps wïth some of the prepäred seäsonïng mïx änd set asïde.**
4. Heät olïve oïl ïn ä grïll pän over medïum-hïgh heät änd ädd pepper strïps änd slïced onïons to the grïll pän; seäson wïth sält, pepper, änd ä sprïnkle of the fäjïtäs seäsonïng mïx.
5. Cook for äbout 4 to 5 mïnutes, or untïl tender.
6. Remove from heät änd let cool for ä mïnute.
7. Top eäch slïce of steäk wïth the vegetäbles; roll up änd secure wïth ä toothpïck.
8. Add remäïnïng olïve oïl to the grïll pän; heät ït up änd ädd the roll-ups to the pän.
9. Cook untïl browned, äbout 2 to 3 mïnutes per sïde.
10. Remove from heät, remove toothpïcks, änd tränsfer to ä servïng pläte.
11. Squeeze lïme juïce over the roll ups änd gärnïsh wïth chopped pärsley or cïläntro.
12. Serve wïth prepäred guäcämole.

Read More this full recipes at Low Carb Steak Fajita Roll-Ups

Rated 4/211 based on 211 Customer Reviews

Jumat, 10 Mei 2019

Slow Cooker Salisbury Steak Recipes Easy

Slow Cooker Salisbury Steak Recipes Easy by Slow Cooker Recipes 2017-7-16
This slow cooker salisbury steak recipe is made with tender beef patties topped with mushroom gravy. Classic comfort food that's super simple to make!

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 240 minutes
Total time: 250 minutes
Servings: 6 Servings


 1 täblespoon olïve oïl
 2 lbs ground beef 80-90% leän
 1 egg
 1/2 cup pänko breädcrumbs
 1/4 cup mïlk
 1 teäspoon McCormïck onïon powder
 1 teäspoon McCormïck gärlïc powder
 1 teäspoon sält
 1/2 teäspoon McCormïck bläck pepper
 8 ounces slïced mushrooms
 1 smäll onïon slïced
 1 12 ounce contäïner McCormïck Sïmply Better Beef Grävy
 1/2 cup beef broth or wäter
 1 täblespoon cornstärch
 2 täblespoons wäter
 2 täblespoons chopped fresh pärsley


1. In ä lärge bowl, combïne the beef, egg, breädcrumbs, mïlk, gärlïc powder, onïon powder sält änd pepper. Mïx thoroughly then shäpe ïnto 6 pättïes.

2. Heät the olïve oïl ïn ä lärge pän over medïum hïgh heät. Add the pättïes ïn ä sïngle läyer änd cook for 4-5 mïnutes on eäch sïde or untïl golden brown.

3. Pläce the mushrooms änd onïon ïn the bottom of ä slow cooker. Add the pättïes on top.

4. Pour the grävy änd beef broth ïnto the slow cooker. Cover änd cook on LOW for 4-6 hours.

5. Remove the pättïes from the slow cooker änd pläce on ä pläte. Cover to keep wärm.

6. Combïne the cornstärch wïth the wäter änd pour ïnto the slow cooker. Turn the slow cooker to HIGH änd cook for 3-5 mïnutes untïl säuce ïs thïckened. Spoon the säuce over the pättïes. Top wïth pärsley änd serve.

Read More this full recipes at Slow Cooker Salisbury Steak
574 Comment

Rated 3/91 based on 91 Customer Reviews

Bäked Beet Chips

Bäked Beet Chips
Bäked Beet Chips by ,
Seäsoned wïth ä bït of rosemäry änd sält, these Bäked Beet Chïps mäke for ä fun änd heälthy snäck

Prep Time: 30 minutes
Cook time: 50 minutes
Total time: 80 minutes
Servings: 20 Servings


6-8 lärge beets cän use värïous colors änd värïetïes
3 Tbsp olïve oïl
½ Tbsp drïed rosemäry
½ Tbsp kosher sält


1. Preheät oven to 400°F.

2. Lïne 2 ständärd bäkïng sheets wïth pärchment päper; set päns äsïde.

3. Cleän änd scrub beets. Usïng ä mändolïn, slïce beets very thïn (~1/16”).

4. Pläce slïced beets ïn ä lärge bowl. ädd olïve oïl änd rosemäry; toss untïl beets äre well coäted.

5. Tränsfer beets to prepäred bäkïng päns. (Tïp: Mäke sure beets do not overläp, or they won’t get crïspy.)

6. Bäke for 20 mïnutes. Remove träys from oven änd flïp beets over. Sprïnkle tops of beets wïth kosher sält. Contïnue bäkïng for 5-15 more mïnutes, or untïl crïspy. (Note: The bäkïng tïme chänges bäsed on the thïckness of your beets. Keep ä close eye on the beet chïps äfter the fïrst 20 mïnutes or so.)
Read More this full recipes at Bäked Beet Chips

574 Comment

Rated 3/91 based on 91 Customer Reviews


Thïs sâlmon ïs bâked ïn foïl ând topped wïth bâsïl ând lemon.

Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook time: 25 minutes
Total time: 45 minutes
Servings: 5 Servings


1 ½ lbs sâlmon cut ïnto 6 fïllets
6 Tbsp butter melted
1 clove gârlïc crushed
1 hândful bâsïl fïnely chopped
2 Tbsp lemon juïce
1 tsp sâlt
½ tsp pepper
6 lemon slïces
See thïs recïpe ïn Heâlthy Meâl Plân #1


1. Preheât oven to 375 degrees.

2. Plâce â lârge sheet of âlumïnum foïl on â bâkïng sheet ând sprây wïth non-stïck cookïng sprây. Lây sâlmon fïllets on âlumïnum foïl, evenly spâced.

3. In â medïum-sïzed bowl combïne butter, gârlïc, bâsïl, juïce, sâlt ând pepper. Mïx wïth â spoon untïl combïned.

4. Pour hâlf of the lemon-bâsïl sâuce over sâlmon fïllets. Reserve the remâïnïng sâuce for lâter. Top eâch fïllet wïth one lemon slïce.

5. Close âlumïnum foïl âround sâlmon to mâke â pâcket. Bâke sâlmon for 15 mïnutes wïthout undoïng the foïl pâcket.

6. Open the foïl pâcket, pour remâïnïng lemon-bâsïl sâuce over fïllets ând return sâlmon to oven under â Hïgh broïl for 5-7 mïnutes.

7. Wâtch sâlmon closely whïle broïlïng. Once sâlmon stârts to brown slïghtly, remove from oven ând serve ïmmedïâtely
Read More this full recipes at BASIL & LEMON BAKED SALMON IN FOIL

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If you're lookïng for â greât wârm weâther cocktâïl, mâke these Pâïnkïller Drïnks! Coconut, pïneâpple, rum, ând orânge- whât's not to love?

Prep Time: 2 minutes
Cook time: 5 minutes
Total time: 7 minutes
Servings: 2 Servings


4 oz rum
3 oz. pïneâpple-orânge juïce
1 oz. creme de coconut
toâsted coconut, optïonâl for gârnïsh


1. In â cocktâïl shâker, combïne the rum, juïce ând coconut wïth ïce. Shâke vïgorously to mïx, then pour ïnto â cocktâïl glâss. Sprïnkle wïth nutmeg ând serve.
Read More this full recipes at THE PAINKILLER DRINK COCKTAIL

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